Podcastor Series 2 Episode 4

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Podcastor Series 2 Episode 4
  • Artist: Podcastor
  • Album: Podcastor
  • Year: 2007

This episode has an interview with Rector William from St Kyneburgha's Church here in the village. We also talk to some year 6 children that were involved in leading our recent Harvest Festival service. Our third interview this week is with Squidge from the Podcastor team, who did really well in the village conker championship. There's even a quiz and a survey as well!

(There would have been "Just 30 seconds", some school news and announcements and a report on our school council, but an ICT gremlin seems to have stolen our recordings!)

Let us know what you think by emailing us at: podcastor@castor.peterborough.sch.uk